So, what really happened that day?
Let's just for a moment speculate, shall we?
We have the epileptic seizure...
...distracting the police and allowing the shooters to get into place.
The epileptic later vanished, never checking into the hospital.
The A-team goes to the sixth floor of the Depository.
They were refurbishing the floors of the Depository that week...
...allowing unknown workmen in the building.
They move quickly into position, minutes before the shooting.
The second spotter, talking by radio to the other teams, has the best overall view.
The God spot.
B-team, one rifleman and one spotter with access to the building...
...moves into a low floor of the Dal-Tex building.
The third team, C-team, moves in behind the fence above the grassy knoll...
...where the shooter and the spotter are first seen by the late Lee Bowers.
They have the best position.
Kennedy is close and on a flat, low trajectory.
Part of this team is a coordinator...
...who flashed security credentials at people, chasing them from the area.
Probably two to three more men are in the crowd.
Ten to twelve men. Three teams. Three shooters.
The triangulation of fire Clay Shaw and David Ferrie discussed two months before.
They blocked the plaza.
They know every inch.
They've calibrated their sights. Practiced on moving targets.
They're ready.
Kennedy's motorcade makes a turn from Main onto Houston.
It's going to be a turkey shoot.
They don't shoot him on Houston...
...the easiest shot for a single shooter in the Depository.
They wait till he gets to the killing zone between three rifles.
Kennedy makes the turn from Houston onto Elm.
Slowing down to some 11 miles an hour.
The shooters across Dealey Plaza tighten, taking their aim.
Waiting for the radio to say, "Green! Green!"
Or, "Abort! Abort!"
The first shot rings out.
Sounding like a backfire, it misses the car completely.
Frame 161, Kennedy stops waving as he hears something.
Connally's head turns slightly to the right.
Frame 193, the second shot hits Kennedy in the throat from the front.
Frame 225, Kennedy emerges from behind the road sign.
He's been hit, raising his hands to his throat.
The third shot, frame 232...
...hits Kennedy in the back, pulling him downward and forward.
Connally, you will notice, shows no sign of being hit.
He is holding his Stetson, which is impossible if his wrist is shattered.
Connally is turning now.
Frame 238. The fourth shot.
It misses Kennedy and takes Connally in the back.
This is the shot that proves there were two rifles.
Connally yells, "My God! They're going to kill us all!"
Around this time, another shot misses the car completely...
...striking James Teague by the underpass.
The car brakes.
The sixth and fatal shot.
Frame 313, takes Kennedy in the head from the front.
This is the key shot.
The President going back and to his left...
...shot from the front and right.
Totally inconsistent with the shot from the Depository.
Back, and to the left.
Back, and to the left.
Back, and to the left.
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