でも、many more ~ はほとんど聞いたことがない。
もし~のところに day などの可算名詞が来れば、many more days などとなるかもしれない。
"much more days" は2件
"many more days" は6650件
"how much more days" も2件
"how many more days" は2280件
The state is unable to say how many more days it takes this year to get refunds. (The Des Moines Register より引用)
結論:many more days が正しい!
Title: "many more" or "much more" which is correct?
I have heard "much more" frequently in my life.
However, I have seldom heard "many more."
There are a few possible reasons for this.
First, I could have simply missed hearing that expression.
Second, maybe I did hear it but I have forgotten when I did.
Third, I really haven't heard it.
If I use a countable noun such as "day," it might be correct to say "many more days."
Therefore, I searched in the Google News US edition.
I trusted that the grammatically correct expression would be used in the news more than in general blogs.
The result was, "much more days" hit 2, while "many more days" hit 6,650.
The more frequently used expression is clear from this result.
I also searched "how much more days" and "how many more days."
The result was, the former hit 2 and the latter hit 2,280.
There was a big difference.
Let me show you one example.
I found news about a tax in the state of Iowa.
It says, "The state is unable to say how many more days it takes this year to get refunds. " (quote from The Des Moines Register)
"How many more days" is used in this news item.
Conclusion: "Many more days" is correct.
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